Stomach Flu-Gastroenteritis-Appendicitis Walk in Clinic Orlando

Patient turned out to have appendicitis with symptoms of stomach flu-vomiting,diarrhea (several loose stools),abdominal pain and fever of 102 f initially. A 55 year old came in with the complaints of diarrhea, Vomiting for 2 days. Patient also had abdominal pain. The patient was seen by Dr. Usha Jain and was diagnosed with gastroenteritis with dehydration. The patient was treated with an IV fluids and felt better. The patient felt better but the pain of the abdomen continued On reexamination and seems to localize to the right lower abdomen. Patient was suspected to have appendicitis along with gastroenteritis and dehydration. The patient was sent to hospital to get an emergency CT scan and was found to have appedicitis. The patient was admitted and had surgery done for his appendicitis.
Keep in mind about other possibilities even if the symptoms point to one diagnosis as in this case. Patient could have been sent home after hydration as patient felt better. Examining the patient again before discharging the patient, saved his life.
Reexamination and ordering proper test saved this patient from going home with the diagnosis of gastroenteritis.

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